Eden - find edible plants
Tag or navigate to nearby wild, edible plants.
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Earn $EDN coins
Make purchases
Sale starts in:
- Payment in crypto up to $1000 without KYC.
- Visa/Blik/FIAT up to $400 without KYC.
The minimum purchase is $25 and the maximum is $10,000
Visa/Blik/FIAT up to $500 without KYC.
Purchase EDEN in crypto
USDT (based on Binance Smart Chain) should be sent from your private wallet to the Eden cryptocurrency wallet
address shown below.
The minimum deposit is USDT 25 and the maximum is USDT 1000.
If a larger amount of USDT (above 1000) is sent from a cryptocurrency wallet, the sender will be refunded the
excess value to their wallet.
Deposit up to USDT 1000 is KYC free.
Edencoins will be distributed based on actually accepted funds.
To view the Eden wallet address for cryptocurrency shipping, you must review and accept the required consents:
Yes. We are available in the Appstore and Google Play from 2023.
You will find links to download the application in the header of this page.
Minimum amount: PLN 100 / $ 25
Maximum amount: PLN 4,000 / $ 1,000
Po publicznej sprzedaży. Planowana data dystrybucji tokenów EDN to pierwszy tydzień grudnia
No. If you do not have your own cryptocurrency wallet and you do not provide it when making a deposit, we will assign tokens to your profile in the Eden Application. Make sure that you register in the Eden Application using the same email address from which you will make the FIAT deposit.
KYC is proof of identity. Security is our top priority, not only in terms of the transactions themselves but also in terms of funding sources. Therefore, cash payments from $500, it is required to go through a simple KYC process, following applicable EU regulations and requirements. Your data is used once for verification when making a transaction.
A cryptocurrency transaction up to $1,000 is KYC-free.
No one from the Eden team will contact you in a private message asking for deposits or wallet login details. Don't send sensitive data to anyone.
Communicate with us only through the portals on our website www.OurEden.app and by email at hello@oureden.io
All persons who, when trying to pay in PLN/FIAT, received the "NH3" error from the payment gateway, are asked to contact us by e-mail at gateway@ari10.com or on our Telegram group.
If there are no contraindications, ARI10 will add you to the whitelist and you will be able to make a payment.
Deposit in cryptocurrency is limited to 1000 USDT.
Cryptocurrency payments up to $1000 (USDT on the BSC BEP20 network) will be KYC-free.
Payment in cryptocurrency will take place only based on sending USDT to the indicated wallet address on the collection day.
Edencoins will be sent back to the sender's wallet address.
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Earn $EDN coins
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Reconnect with nature!
What's inside?
Reconnect with nature!
What's inside?
Wild Pharmacy
Wild Pharmacy
Discover To Earn
Discover To Earn
Earn $EDN coins for adding plants and completing quests.
Purchase healthy products for earned coins.
Knowledge From Experts
Knowledge From Experts
With Eden, you gain access to expert knowledge in natural medicine from health professionals, herbalists, and the wellness industry.
Green Marketplace
Pay with cash or earned $EDN coins. Buy healthy products directly from farmers, producers and manufacturers.
We Connect People With
- Health experts
- Local farmers
- Producers
- Natural medicine
Green Marketplace
We Connect People With
- Health experts
- Local farmers
- Producers
- Natural medicine